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Saphir was initiated by Lea Sofia Nikiforow, who won the contest in 2009. She met the former winners Jennifer Haben (2007) and Kathrin Sicks (2008) during the 2009 contest. The girls figured out they had the same taste in music and decided to start a band together. Nikiforow changed her prize, a solo record contract, for the formation of a band and a production of an album. Originally a trio the band was formed in January 2010. The band's management wanted an additional deeper voice so the winner of the 2010 contest should become the fourth member. In April 2010 Amely Sommer won the contest and completed the band.

Albums (1)
Songs (10)
Vinyl Vinyl
Perfect Combination
Songs 10 Comments 0
0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 / 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Added on 23 July 2011
Released 1986
Format Vinyl
Length 0:00
N discs 1
Label EMI Electrola
Genre All Genres
Price 0.00 €
Cat N 1C 066 24 0667 1

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