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Donna Summer


I Remember Yesterday

1977 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 / 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 0 Ratings


Released 1977
Format Vinyl
Added on Tuesday, 07 June 2011
Price 0.00 €
Length 0:00
Number of discs 1
Edition date 1977
Country US
Label Casablanca Records
Catalog Number NBLP 7056
Edition details Recorded in MusicLand Studios, Munich.Mastered at Allen Zentz Mastering.All compositions published by Rick's Music, Inc. (BMI)(Original publisher Sunday Music)Track B3: McCaulay Music Ltd./Almo Music Corp. (ASCAP)A Say Yes Production by Giorgio Moroder a


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