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BB & Q Band


Six Million Times

1983 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 / 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 0 Ratings
Six Million Times



Released 1983
Format Vinyl
Added on Friday, 03 June 2011
Price 0.00 €
Length 0:00
Number of discs 1
Edition date 1983
Country Europe
Label Capitol Records
Catalog Number 1A 064-7122851
Edition details LC 0148Cover:Produced for Little Macho Music Co., Inc.Recorded at UMBI Studios in Modena, ItalyMixed at Sorcerer Sound Studios, New York CityMastering at Sterling Sound Marketed, manufactured and distributed by EMIPrinted in Holland by EMI Services Benelu


Hits 4112
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